Hey Guys!
Last night's meeting was incredible. It is amazing to watch this process unfold
and grow and witness as it sheds new awareness. Thanks for the yummy food and the great
discussion. I really see this process moving in a powerful way. Each of you
brought something unique and beautiful to the process. THANK YOU
So, I am off to camping but if you are planning on attending the retreat I need
to get registrations in place ASAP and NO LATER THAN next wednesday, September 5, 2007.
This will allow Windwalker to be ready for us and will also help John and I in
our planning. SO! Get those registrations forms sent in.
Checks Written out to: White Crane
Credit Card with Pay Pal through the website at QueerSpirit.org and fax
registration forms
to (801) 595-0669 or mail them to 2084 East 6425 South Holladay UT 84121 c/o
Jerry Buie
ASAP is the key word on this.
If for some reason you don't make the retreat do watch the website and e mails
for upcoming events.
Jerry Buie
Friday, August 31, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Gays Guardians of the Gates
The website now has a LINK tab. I would encourage you to go to this link and explore the article "Gays: Guardians of the Gates" An Interview with Malidoma Some'
It amazes me the more I learn who we are and what our ancient roles have been and continue to be! Read the article and let me know what you think.
It amazes me the more I learn who we are and what our ancient roles have been and continue to be! Read the article and let me know what you think.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
August 30, 2007 Gathering/Information
Just want to remind folks about our Pot Luck Gathering on August 30, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. We will specifically spend time reviewing the upcoming retreat and give folks an opportunity to ask questions regarding the retreat on September 7-9, 2007 at Windwalker Ranch. Please e mail Jerry or John for directions to the potluck. This is an open meeting and we encourage everyone to attend who might have an interest in the retreats.
Remember you can register by printing the registration form the website. You can pay online with Pay Pal (go to the donation tab and pay that way or you can bring a check written out to White Crane and drop it off at the August 30 meeting or send the check via mail.) It is time to register so we can make appropriate reservations at the ranch.
Remember you can register by printing the registration form the website. You can pay online with Pay Pal (go to the donation tab and pay that way or you can bring a check written out to White Crane and drop it off at the August 30 meeting or send the check via mail.) It is time to register so we can make appropriate reservations at the ranch.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Thanks Michael!!
If you did not see this I thought I would share it here. Michael Aaron of Q Salt Lake Paper did a beautiful job of promoting and educating our community for the retreat. I wanted to share it with you now.
Queer Spirit Retreat Helps Gay Men Shed 'Old Stories,' Build New
by Michael Aaron
Building on the successes of their previous two Queer Spirit Retreats, Jerry
Buie and John Cottrell have announced a third retreat the weekend of Sept.
7-9 at the Windwalker Ranch in Spring City.
The pair admit that upon hearing a title such as "queer spirit," many gay
men are turned off since spirituality is often used as a weapon against
them. The spirituality offered at these retreats, however, is based around
ancient native American themes and rituals - most of which embrace and
cherish queer identities.
"Queer Spirit is about finding the 'queer self' and integrating this into
our lives with pride, honor and confidence," Jerry Buie wrote in a statement
about the event. "We find that ceremony and ritual can be a powerful way to
create intention and focus."
The event begins on a Friday evening as participants dine at the ranch and
set out for a bonfire under the star-lit Spring City skies.
"We use [the fire] to release and let go of stories of shame, doubt, fear or
anything else that binds/restricts us. We create the sacred fire to release
the issues and inhibitions that domesticate our thinking and the expressions
of who we are," continued Buie. "This fire will be fun, meditative and
invigorating. It is not uncommon for someone to bring a guitar or for a
cowboy singer/poet to show up and share his talent."
Saturday is an individual's time to explore his reasons for being there,
what he hopes to get out of the weekend and get in tune with his body, his
mind and his spirit. An early morning yoga session introduces breathing as a
way to connect with the body. Meditative techniques used by many cultures
center around conscious breathing to move inward.
Saturday is also an opportunity to explore the ranch, seen by many Native
Americans as a sacred place. Indeed, an old cedar, referred to as a
grandmother tree, just outside the property boundaries is covered in red
prayer ties and offerings. Many of the men who have participated, says Buie,
have found the trip to the grandmother tree as the most moving, important
part of the weekend.
Most, however, see the sweat lodge Saturday night as the most rewarding and
revealing part of the Queer Spirit experience. The lodge, built by Buie
several years ago and used by many who visit the ranch, is a traditional
wood and canvas structure with a fire pit in the middle. In native
tradition, the ceremony proceeds in four parts. With each, more rocks, which
have been heating in a fire for hours, are brought into the lodge, bringing
the temperature up dramatically. The lodge is pitch black but for an
occasional glow from embers burning on the rock. Water is poured on the
rocks, filling the lodge with steam.
Many of those who have experienced a lodge often say they find new things
about themselves, some have visions in the darkness, others find simply
making it through and overcoming fears of darkness or tight places as a
triumph. Few will say that they leave the lodge the same as they enter it.
Last April's retreat drew 13 men plus the organizers. Buie and Cottrell hope
to expand that number in this upcoming retreat. "We can accommodate 20 or 25
people, and we're getting a lot of interest for September," Buie said.
The April weekend far exceeded any expectations that Cottrell or Buie held
as they were planning the event.
"At best we had hoped to get the men together to talk and to experiment with
a new story," Buie explained. "Instead each man courageously and beautifully
stepped into a magical place, stepped outside of the old story and created a
new one for them."
"As we considered the implication of self-love, self-joy, self-nurturing and
our own individual process of creating that new story, we stepped into a
very powerful and rewarding place," Buie continued. "The 13 strangers who
came together, left as brothers embracing each other, promising future
connections, correspondences and, respecting and engaging each other in a
joyous place. The weekend was beautiful and there are no other words to
describe it."
Registration for the weekend includes all meals and comfortable lodging.
This is a nonprofit event. Any proceeds from the event are turned back into
funding future reterats. More information and registration forms are
available at http://queeerspirit.org or by emailing Buie at
jerrybuie@mac.com or Cottrell at skiutjohn@yahoo.com.
Michael Aaron
PO Box 511247
Salt Lake City UT 84151-1247
tel: 801-649-6663
tel2:1-800-806-7357 X10
fax: 1-866-840-5232
mobile: 801-856-5655
IM: http://myspace.com/qsaltlake
Queer Spirit Retreat Helps Gay Men Shed 'Old Stories,' Build New
by Michael Aaron
Building on the successes of their previous two Queer Spirit Retreats, Jerry
Buie and John Cottrell have announced a third retreat the weekend of Sept.
7-9 at the Windwalker Ranch in Spring City.
The pair admit that upon hearing a title such as "queer spirit," many gay
men are turned off since spirituality is often used as a weapon against
them. The spirituality offered at these retreats, however, is based around
ancient native American themes and rituals - most of which embrace and
cherish queer identities.
"Queer Spirit is about finding the 'queer self' and integrating this into
our lives with pride, honor and confidence," Jerry Buie wrote in a statement
about the event. "We find that ceremony and ritual can be a powerful way to
create intention and focus."
The event begins on a Friday evening as participants dine at the ranch and
set out for a bonfire under the star-lit Spring City skies.
"We use [the fire] to release and let go of stories of shame, doubt, fear or
anything else that binds/restricts us. We create the sacred fire to release
the issues and inhibitions that domesticate our thinking and the expressions
of who we are," continued Buie. "This fire will be fun, meditative and
invigorating. It is not uncommon for someone to bring a guitar or for a
cowboy singer/poet to show up and share his talent."
Saturday is an individual's time to explore his reasons for being there,
what he hopes to get out of the weekend and get in tune with his body, his
mind and his spirit. An early morning yoga session introduces breathing as a
way to connect with the body. Meditative techniques used by many cultures
center around conscious breathing to move inward.
Saturday is also an opportunity to explore the ranch, seen by many Native
Americans as a sacred place. Indeed, an old cedar, referred to as a
grandmother tree, just outside the property boundaries is covered in red
prayer ties and offerings. Many of the men who have participated, says Buie,
have found the trip to the grandmother tree as the most moving, important
part of the weekend.
Most, however, see the sweat lodge Saturday night as the most rewarding and
revealing part of the Queer Spirit experience. The lodge, built by Buie
several years ago and used by many who visit the ranch, is a traditional
wood and canvas structure with a fire pit in the middle. In native
tradition, the ceremony proceeds in four parts. With each, more rocks, which
have been heating in a fire for hours, are brought into the lodge, bringing
the temperature up dramatically. The lodge is pitch black but for an
occasional glow from embers burning on the rock. Water is poured on the
rocks, filling the lodge with steam.
Many of those who have experienced a lodge often say they find new things
about themselves, some have visions in the darkness, others find simply
making it through and overcoming fears of darkness or tight places as a
triumph. Few will say that they leave the lodge the same as they enter it.
Last April's retreat drew 13 men plus the organizers. Buie and Cottrell hope
to expand that number in this upcoming retreat. "We can accommodate 20 or 25
people, and we're getting a lot of interest for September," Buie said.
The April weekend far exceeded any expectations that Cottrell or Buie held
as they were planning the event.
"At best we had hoped to get the men together to talk and to experiment with
a new story," Buie explained. "Instead each man courageously and beautifully
stepped into a magical place, stepped outside of the old story and created a
new one for them."
"As we considered the implication of self-love, self-joy, self-nurturing and
our own individual process of creating that new story, we stepped into a
very powerful and rewarding place," Buie continued. "The 13 strangers who
came together, left as brothers embracing each other, promising future
connections, correspondences and, respecting and engaging each other in a
joyous place. The weekend was beautiful and there are no other words to
describe it."
Registration for the weekend includes all meals and comfortable lodging.
This is a nonprofit event. Any proceeds from the event are turned back into
funding future reterats. More information and registration forms are
available at http://queeerspirit.org or by emailing Buie at
jerrybuie@mac.com or Cottrell at skiutjohn@yahoo.com.
Michael Aaron
PO Box 511247
Salt Lake City UT 84151-1247
tel: 801-649-6663
tel2:1-800-806-7357 X10
fax: 1-866-840-5232
mobile: 801-856-5655
IM: http://myspace.com/qsaltlake
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Information Circle/Gathering for September Retreat
Queer Spirit is about men loving men, gathering together in loving and intimate ways to explore, dialog, enjoy, dream and celebrate the "who" and "what" we are in the broader community. Using our unique gifts we explore our "Old Stories" and bring out new awareness, insight and beauty in the creation of a story that is unique to what is authentic in our lives. We use spirit, energy, ritual and tradition to incorporate the magic of queer men coming together to heal ourselves, our community
and our world.
Hey Guys
Have you checked out the new website? Please do!
it is more than just advertisement for the retreat! We are using this as a running dialogue and discussion in UT for queer men to explore issues around sexuality, spirituality and our place in the world. The website invites feedback, comments, etc. There are articles that may be of interest written by John and myself, there are also articles from Radical Fairy Founder Harry Hay, John Burnside and the Editor of White Crane, BO Young. These articles are meant to inspire deeper thinking and thoughts regarding who we are. The Blog is meant to stimulate discussion and dialogue and you should be able to subscribe to this blog so you have good information. Events that John and I have been planning such as Yoga, Meditation and Sensuality Workshops are also posted on this blog.
We are gathering on August 30, 2007, potluck again. We are going to discuss the upcoming retreat. We have several men interested in attending this year. If you plan on being there please register by downloading the registration form and filling it out. You can fax it to my office at 801 595-0669 OR e mail it to
Payment can be made in Check to White Crane or you can use Pay-Pal through the internet and website and pay by Credit Card, OR better yet. Hand deliver it on August 30, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. at my home when we get together. This will be a good time to socialize, share and explore the next chapter to Queer Spirit.
RSVP would be helpful. You are welcome to invite friends or interested individuals. This will be a good time for people to ask questions and to make the decision if this retreat is for them and will be a great opportunity to get to know each other prior to the retreat. Attendance is not mandatory if attending the retreat but helpful in the retreat being a positive experience.
SO, See you on August 30, 2007 7:30 p.m. at my house. Please e mail for directions to my house if necessary.
Jerry Buie
801 557.9203
and our world.
Hey Guys
Have you checked out the new website? Please do!
it is more than just advertisement for the retreat! We are using this as a running dialogue and discussion in UT for queer men to explore issues around sexuality, spirituality and our place in the world. The website invites feedback, comments, etc. There are articles that may be of interest written by John and myself, there are also articles from Radical Fairy Founder Harry Hay, John Burnside and the Editor of White Crane, BO Young. These articles are meant to inspire deeper thinking and thoughts regarding who we are. The Blog is meant to stimulate discussion and dialogue and you should be able to subscribe to this blog so you have good information. Events that John and I have been planning such as Yoga, Meditation and Sensuality Workshops are also posted on this blog.
We are gathering on August 30, 2007, potluck again. We are going to discuss the upcoming retreat. We have several men interested in attending this year. If you plan on being there please register by downloading the registration form and filling it out. You can fax it to my office at 801 595-0669 OR e mail it to
Payment can be made in Check to White Crane or you can use Pay-Pal through the internet and website and pay by Credit Card, OR better yet. Hand deliver it on August 30, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. at my home when we get together. This will be a good time to socialize, share and explore the next chapter to Queer Spirit.
RSVP would be helpful. You are welcome to invite friends or interested individuals. This will be a good time for people to ask questions and to make the decision if this retreat is for them and will be a great opportunity to get to know each other prior to the retreat. Attendance is not mandatory if attending the retreat but helpful in the retreat being a positive experience.
SO, See you on August 30, 2007 7:30 p.m. at my house. Please e mail for directions to my house if necessary.
Jerry Buie
801 557.9203
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Queer Spirit/Money/Pride Counseling
There have been some questions regarding Queer Spirit and its relationship with Pride Counseling. Pride Counseling is a personal business of Jerry Buie LCSW. Pride Counseling has been around for about 4 years as a formal counseling agency to the GLBT community. Our website is www.pridecounseling.tv Queer Spirit is something totally different than Pride Counseling. Queer Spirit is about community, spirit and being queer. It is personal passion of mine that is taking root and growing in a wonderful manner, but distinct and different than Pride Counseling.
My friend Bo Young is the Editor of a queer spirit journal named The White Crane. This journal is a wonderful publication for the queer community with writings that are provoking and informative. Bo create the White Crane Institute to support communities and efforts similar to Queer Spirit.
For years now I have envisioned queer men getting together in the wonderful surroundings of Utah to explore and understand who we are. Meeting John Cottrell a few years ago we realized how we shared in this vision. He was already generating interest in Yoga, relaxation/mediation techniques and body work. We began a process of unfolding for ourselves what a queer retreat might look like and we quickly acknowledged the financial angle that might be a challenge for those who needed to attend and might not have the resources. We have applied for grants but with limited success. We do local fundraising and this has been successful and has facilitated or partially facilitated scholarships for folks to attend. The cost of the retreat covers the cost of the ranch, lodging and food and to a small degree the cost associated in educating folks about the retreat. The editor of White Crane offered to integrate us into his 501 Non profit considering his mission statement was the essence of what we wanted to accomplish in Utah. Our connection to this non profit makes funding issues for the retreats less complicated and also makes funding agencies more interested in assisting us. The funds that have been raised and generated that go beyond our expenses such as lodging, food, supplies, advertisement, etc go back into the non profit and become start up funds for the next retreat. One of our goals is to create an accessible event. John and I have seen that this retreat could be a powerful venue for folks in recovery or in other challenging life circumstances. It is a retreat.
So please do not confuse Pride Counseling with Queer Spirit. Two different ventures and two different ambitions. I do want to thank White Crane Institute as they have provided a generous start up funds (www.gaywisdom.com), Q Salt Lake who has been generous with rates for ads as well as visibility, The Pillar who recently did an article in our behalf, The Center who have linked us to the broader community, and Yahoo Groups and the various Utah Yahoo Groups who have willingly donated space in their listserv in helping us get the word out. It is this type of energy and spirit of things that truly transforms a community into becoming a powerful force.
My friend Bo Young is the Editor of a queer spirit journal named The White Crane. This journal is a wonderful publication for the queer community with writings that are provoking and informative. Bo create the White Crane Institute to support communities and efforts similar to Queer Spirit.
For years now I have envisioned queer men getting together in the wonderful surroundings of Utah to explore and understand who we are. Meeting John Cottrell a few years ago we realized how we shared in this vision. He was already generating interest in Yoga, relaxation/mediation techniques and body work. We began a process of unfolding for ourselves what a queer retreat might look like and we quickly acknowledged the financial angle that might be a challenge for those who needed to attend and might not have the resources. We have applied for grants but with limited success. We do local fundraising and this has been successful and has facilitated or partially facilitated scholarships for folks to attend. The cost of the retreat covers the cost of the ranch, lodging and food and to a small degree the cost associated in educating folks about the retreat. The editor of White Crane offered to integrate us into his 501 Non profit considering his mission statement was the essence of what we wanted to accomplish in Utah. Our connection to this non profit makes funding issues for the retreats less complicated and also makes funding agencies more interested in assisting us. The funds that have been raised and generated that go beyond our expenses such as lodging, food, supplies, advertisement, etc go back into the non profit and become start up funds for the next retreat. One of our goals is to create an accessible event. John and I have seen that this retreat could be a powerful venue for folks in recovery or in other challenging life circumstances. It is a retreat.
So please do not confuse Pride Counseling with Queer Spirit. Two different ventures and two different ambitions. I do want to thank White Crane Institute as they have provided a generous start up funds (www.gaywisdom.com), Q Salt Lake who has been generous with rates for ads as well as visibility, The Pillar who recently did an article in our behalf, The Center who have linked us to the broader community, and Yahoo Groups and the various Utah Yahoo Groups who have willingly donated space in their listserv in helping us get the word out. It is this type of energy and spirit of things that truly transforms a community into becoming a powerful force.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
August 30, 2007 Gathering/Information
The response to the retreat has been incredible. We have received numerous e-mails and request for information. On August 30, 2007 at 7:00 p.m we will be gathering to discuss the upcoming retreat. This is a great opportunity for you to come, ask questions and determine if this is the event for you. We will have a small potluck with past and future particpants of the retreat. Please attend with your curoisity and questions. For those who have already registered this is a great opportunity for you to connect with others attending. For more information please e mail Jerry at JerryBuie@mac.com or John at skiutjohn@yahoo.com This will allow you to RSVP and get directions to the meeting location.
There is still space available for this retreat
The Queer Spirit Retreat is just around the corner (September 7-9).
It's time to register!
Read more about this incredible experience by visiting the website:
www.queerspirit.org. Download your registration form today. If you are
in need of a scholarship to attend, please contact one of the
Take a minute, too, to visit our blog http://queerspirit.blogspot.com/
Share your thoughts and feelings. Take part in our monthly gatherings,
too, and other special events.
It's time to register!
Read more about this incredible experience by visiting the website:
www.queerspirit.org. Download your registration form today. If you are
in need of a scholarship to attend, please contact one of the
Take a minute, too, to visit our blog http://queerspirit.blogspot.com/
Share your thoughts and feelings. Take part in our monthly gatherings,
too, and other special events.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
The Body Sensual

One of the areas we'd like to explore in Queer Spirit is our intimate relationships with ourselves and others. As we continue our growth toward a positive self image as gay men, an important area to consider is our sensual and sexual beings.
Many of us may have learned that sexuality, particularly homosexuality, is a sin, immoral, wrong. This message only stunts the growth of the evolving gay man. If we have doubts about our sexuality, it creates yet another self-deprecating message. Further, this hinders our abilities to fully love ourselves and others.
Queer Spirit is dedicated to help the gay man find his true self. Help to change this and other false images we have created about ourselves.
We have designed a workshop called The Body Sensual that begins to explore these intimate and personal relationships with ourselves and those around us.
The Body Sensual puts us back in touch with our sensual, sexual, and even erotic selves. It explores our issues and stories about intimacy and relationships. Through dialog, we begin to discover the origins of why it may be difficult for some of us to fully love ourselves. Through guided touch techniques, we learn how to ask for what we want; know the things that make us feel good. We learn to say "yes" to what we like and "no" to the things we do not like. We also learn to listen to what our partners need and want. With direct and honest communication, experiencing love and pleasure will be more appreciated and valued. What emerges is a fuller respect for yourself.
We have generated some interest in our Queer Spirit Community to hold this workshop. Our first was scheduled for Sunday, August 5th, but was postponed for a later date and time to be determined.
If this is something that interests you, please feel free to contact John (skiutjohn@yahoo.com) for more information. This is a special workshop that can be worthwhile for you as an individual or for a couple. We would also like to feature a Body Sensual experience at our retreat in September.
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